The neck got done late in the process. It ended up a bit wider than I wanted to make it, but the head was so heavy that it needed the extra support.

Time to put the rest of the bones in place! A bit of chicken wire will create the shape of the rib cage.

Look! Mister Ded has a head!

We actually found some unbroken horse ribs, so I placed those over the chicken wire. They'll show through the skin a little bit, which will help camouflage the wire and give the skeleton a very realistic feel. Apparently all the ribs were from the right side of a single horse, so the left side was a bit awkward, but once they're covered up, it won't really make a difference.

This is me making a real mess using Monster Mud and fabric to make a bit of nasty hanging skin to go over the bones.

Here he is with his new skin. He'll get one more Liquid Nails treatment, and then we can finally paint him.

After that I have to start looking for a harness in size XXS. (Extra extra skeletal.)

Nice after dark photo from Sue. Very creepy!!
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