Pennsic Homeowners Association

Below are links to various structures at Pennsic and other places. If you know of any other websites that might be of interest here, please EMAIL ME and let me know so that I can add them to the page. I intend to keep updating this page, so please check back. If you'd like to join the Pennsic Homeowners chat list, you can do so HERE.

Vardos: This is a whole page of links to numerous gypsy wagons, even a few places that make them to sell.

She'erah's Little House on the Flatbed This house is based on architecture from the mid-10th century in Cordova, which was then part of al-Andalus (a Moslem empire).

Tommaso's Venetian house Based on the Venetian Canal houses, this is also known as the Den of Decadence.

Tommaso's Venetian galley A great small space for weekend events. Check it out!

The Twilight Mistress Maksi and Yela's ship. Built over a double horse trailer, with a top deck strong enough to hold several people.

The Horn Theatre A huge undertaking--a mobile tudor theater built on a 30 foot trailer base.

The Mhaighdean Mhara Captain Morgan's ship, based on the styling of a French Galleon.

16th Century Italian House Two story Italian house by Diligent Dwarves. Don't miss the lakeside view!