Look at this! Actual water is gushing from our faucets!

And the toilets flush!!! If this is making you queasy, be aware that it's an unsullied, untouched, totally virgin toilet flush. I wouldn't subject you to anything less palatable. In fact, we're all still using the port-o-john outside. As the official Homeowners, I believe that Craig and I may now start using the bathrooms if we so choose, but the crew still uses the outhouse. I find this makes me feel rather snooty, even though it's apparently part of their job.

On the one hand, I find the idea of photographing a toilet in action to be hysterically funny. On the other, it does have to be one of the low points in my online house documenting career.

We are one step closer to that dream bath. I think I'm gonna hold out until the geothermal system is fully operational, though. This, in case you can't tell by looking, is some EXTREMELY cold water. Bubble bath and a few candles are not going to cut it.