So, you've seen the foundation. A lot. Here it is again, in fact. You've probably noticed that I take lots of photos of it. In case you're wondering, I don't do this because I think you all are fascinated by our basement, or that I imagine changes are taking place when in fact they're not. I take these pictures to show that I'm not forgetting my promise to keep the webpage updated. See? It's updated. What you see on the home page and in the building archive are the most up-to-the-moment, absolutely current shots of our house as it is right now.

And how is it? It's a foundation.

"Ah yes," you reply.

"But why," you ask after a moment, "is it STILL just a foundation?"


Well, that would probably be because it is full of snow. This is a state that I truly hope never to find it in again, (especially after the house is finished.) The framer has decided that due to the almost unnatural amount of nasty weather we're having, he will only work on one house at a time. This actually makes a lot of sense, but it's still annoying.We're next, or so we've been told. I'll let you know at the end of January. Meanwhile, enjoy the skiing, or winter sport of your choice. Just don't ski at our land, even though it currently appears to be the perfect spot for it. It's terribly rude and will vex me.