Two weeks ago, Ray told us we could move in at the end of September. I therefore figured it was safe to plan October 1st as a move date and I hired a moving company. Then there was a delay with the excavators which held up everything else. Currently we don't have heat, water, or electricity even though the house is pretty much done. As far as we know we should be in within a week, but who knows? I'm learning not to assume anything.


Fortunately we were still able to keep our date with the movers. They were just moving things from our storage unit anyway.(Our day-to-day items are all still here with us at my Dad's.) This is all the stuff we have been without for over a year. As I watched it go through the doors today, I found myself thinking that a lot of it should have gone in the trash when we moved the first time. It's amazing how your perspective changes when you don't see your stuff for a long time. It's a lot easier to cull your belongings. Look for a pretty good yard sale next spring.

We hired William C. Huff movers. They did a great job. I heartily recommend them.

As an aside, this is a portion of our driveway. Lots and lots of parking. Good thing too--it's not like we have on-street parking.

By some miracle they managed to fit the contents of our extremely full 10'x25' unit onto the truck, and we moved it into the billiards room with overflow into my office. The big pieces of furniture were placed, but everything else is in just two rooms. Hopefully that will make unpacking easier. (It also kept our price down--less time spent by the movers.) These rooms won't be getting used immediately and again, we haven't even looked at this stuff for over a year. I'm hoping I can be pretty leisurely about putting it all away. I'd kind of like to paint before things get too crowded.

Tori is a happy goat. He's been living in the unit all this time with nobody for company but the mice and crickets. Now he can live in the billiards room for a while, next to the fake ficus trees. (Fakus trees, as JoAnne calls them.)

Do fake goats eat fake leaves?

Muscles got to ride over with me instead of going in the van. You can see by his big smile how happy he was about that. (Of course, Muscles looks pleased about pretty much everything.) He called shotgun, and buckled up for safety.