This story is just too weird, and if you've gotten this far with us, you'll probably want to know how the endgame played out.

This morning, Ray called me around nine. He was at the house, going through a supposedly routine inspection. I knew we were in trouble when he told me I probably shouldn't come by. Apparently the inspector was going through the place with a fine toothed comb. He stated that the house wasn't finished, (duh! We knew that--that was the idea. We were going to finish some of the rooms LATER--like it was stated in the plans.) and therefore we couldn't move in. Ray told me he'd call in a half hour or so when it was all over and let me know what happened.

Two hours and several stomach knots later, he called back. The inspection went for a whopping three hours. Evidently, Wednesday night was the board of selectmen meeting. Our inspector was reamed for being too lenient on new homes, and we were his very first inspection, bright and early Thursday morning.

He fully intended to make an example of us.

Fortunately, Ray talked him down--for the most part. I have to get some painting done by Monday, and we'll be given the occupancy permit then--as long as we agree to do the remaining finishing work within 60 days. Lucky me--I get a list of chores to do the moment we move in. Yee ha. Oh well, it was all stuff I had to do anyway. I just wasn't planning on a deadline.

So, the only question not answered after all this, was would we be allowed to move in today, as planned. Ray called the office, and they said that technically we couldn't move into the house until we had our permit. The inspector was out doing more inspections, so they couldn't ask him if it was all right. She'd let us know if she heard back from him. So, it was thumb twiddling time. Not good.

Later the office called back, and repeated the message that technically we couldn't move in today. Ray thought the tone was kind of leading, so he asked, "Am I supposed to be reading between the lines here?" Her answer was, "Yes. You are." So, hopefully he's reading correctly, because it's eleven o'clock at night, and I'm sitting in our new living room typing out this story.

But remember--technically we're not here. Shhh!!

It's been a very long day, after a very long year, (and a half.) I'm tired, happy, and I'm going to bed. And don't worry. I did take a couple photos to document the day.
