Driftwood with white trim (Rae)
Bone with rye trim (Craig)

9/21/02 The result of the voting was...
...a tie.

Sigh. Yep, it was a tie. Can you believe that?? So much for the democratic process, huh? Craig and I decided to compromise a bit. I kind of liked his color choices, but I preferred them reversed. We tried that, and decided it worked. Just to make sure we were on the right track, we took a drive this morning, siding swatches in hand. Every time we saw a building that was similar to what we wanted, we trotted up to it and matched the colors. We finally agreed on a combination. (See below.)

Despite the photo finish, the vote was really valuable. People gave good reasons for their choices, and that information was helpful in deciding what we'd do. (I know, I know, we're not curing cancer here, but it was a fun week.) Thanks to everyone for their input!