Look who just moved in! Yes, the appliances have at long last arrived. Actually they didn't simply arrive. They were brought here by two very pleasant and funny deliverymen, who managed to keep their senses of humor despite the fact that they had to deliver huge heavy objects to the boulder strewn quarry that is our front yard. I haven't taken any photos lately, but it's a mess outside. We have a rickety ramp instead of steps, the septic system is mostly uncovered, and there's a massive trench filled with electrical wiring where the driveway should be. All this will be filled in later this week. That didn't help the guys today, though. I have to give them credit for not just getting back in their truck and refusing to return until we have an actual driveway and porch stairs.


We got the appliances in sleek, classic, not likely to ever be considered this decade's avocado, BLACK.

The refrigerator and dishwasher seem to fit fine, the stove is a little tall and hits the countertop on the half wall. Duane looked quite irritated about it when he left today. (The packages arrived as he was knocking off for the day, so he had just enough time to discover the problem before he left.) I didn't dare ask him if he had a solution. We'll find out tomorrow.

Here's our stackable washer and dryer. They fit nicely in the laundry room outside my studio. Because they stack like this, we can put in a utility sink that will be used for some of my more sloppy projects. That way I won't do any damage to any of the nicer sinks. The kitchen sink in our last place was black and it's a good thing. I'm pretty sure I dyed it several colors that don't show. I won't be able to do that here, so we'll have this one for me to mess up.
